Whether a company is big or small, there are innumerable tasks to keep up with in order to help boost an online presence and therefore bring in clients. Many focus their time on social media ads and paid ads on different platforms, often overlooking the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and its impact on client interaction. Boosting search engine rankings for a company’s profile or products has proven time and time again to be extraordinarily effective. In fact, according to Inc. : of all the marketing strategies, optimizing search engine rankings is the most effective for generating Return on Investment (ROI).
Enhancing website ranking is not an easy deed. In the algorithms of search engine platforms, many factors come together to pick and choose the most reliable and useful information for users. Not only is creating this presence in the rankings important, it is crucial to be one of the top sites listed on the search engine. A study done by Optify shows that number one ranking websites receive click-through rates (CTR) that average to about 36.4 percent, while number two rankings receive 12.5 percent, and number three averages to around 9.5 percent. For these reasons, it is vital to a company’s growth that search engine rankings be prioritized and optimized. Although this is not an easy task, there are certain ways that this can be done. In this article we discuss three key ways to boost your SEO to help your E-Commerce site reach its highest growth rate yet.
Keyword Research

Website Architecture

Technical SEO

In the end, search engines and consumers alike care about the easiest user interface with the most accuracy to what they had been looking for. Ranking number one is not a simple task in the slightest, but with the right tools and the right methods, the algorithms that put a company at the top can be better understood. Although these three methods are just a starting point, they can take a company a long way in the world of search engine optimization to ultimately bring in new clients and promote growth.
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